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Research department

mgr Viktor Savinok

mgr Viktor Savinok

Senior Analyst

Viktor obtained his MA in International Relations and professional qualification of an interpreter from German from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine). Since 2019 he has been a PhD student in the field of Political Science and Public Administration at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. In 2018-2019 he has been working as a presenter of broadcasts in German at the international broadcasting service of Ukrainian Radio (part of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine).

Mr. Savinok conducted his research within BIGSSS-Departs scholarship programme (University of Bremen, Germany, 2018), Dora Plus programme for PhD students (Tartu University, Estonia, 2021), DAAD short-term research grant for PhD students (Centre for Eastern European and International Studies in Berlin, Germany, 2021). Since October 2021 Viktor has been researching for his PhD thesis at the Centre for Eastern European and International Studies (ZOiS) within the confines of the scholarship programme of Berlin’s House of Representatives.

His research interests include Germany’s foreign policy toward Russia, domestic factors influencing German foreign policy, German political parties, influence of Germany’s Russia policy on the neighboring areas of Central and Eastern Europe.

Research papers

  • Росія у зовнішній політиці ФРН за урядування третього кабінету «великої коаліції» (2013-2017) (Russia in German Foreign Policy during the Cadence of the Third “Grand Coalition” (2013-2017)), „International Relations Review” 2019, vol. 2, issue 1, p. 167-188

Chapters in collective works

  • Changes in Germany’s security strategy with regard to Russia during the chancellorship of Angela Merkel, in: Information-Media-Security Environment. Russian Context, ed. M. Banasik, P. Gawliczek, A. Rogozińska, Difin, Warszawa 2021, p. 75-94
  • Особливості впливу німецько-російської взаємодії на безпекове середовище суміжних просторів Центральної та Східної Європи в 2010-х роках (Specifics of influence of German-Russian interactions on the security environment of neighboring areas of Central and Eastern Europe in 2010s), in: Wielowymiarowość zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa w procesach globalizacji. Polsko-ukraińskie dysputy studenckie, ed. L. Potocki, V. Lebediuk, Officina Simonidis, Zamość 2020, p. 73-102

Other publications

  • (co-author) P. Tepper, Oferta niemieckiego biznesu na odbudowę Ukrainy, „Biuletyn Instytutu Zachodniego” 4 November 2022, no. 25(507)

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