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Monographs and collective works

Stosunki polsko-niemieckie 1938-1939

Stanisław Żerko
Stosunki polsko-niemieckie 1938-1939
(Polish-German Relations 1938-1939)
ISBN 83-85003-95-9, 499 pp
cena: 39 zł,  zamawiam

The eleven months which preceded the outbreak of World War II deserve special attention for it was then that Poland opted for an open political confrontation with the Third Reich. Never before had polish foreign policy been liked so closely with international relations of the German foreign policy programme, Poland became all of a sudden a barrier to the Third Reich's expansion to the East.
In addition to analysing Polish-German relations in 1938-1939, the author examines the role played by Polish diplomacy in face of the growing danger. But a history of relations on the Warsaw-Berlin line cannot be confined to the history of diplomatics. This is why the author also shows to what extent polish foreign policy was influenced by internal conditions, that is, the attitude of public opinion and the public's reaction to successive events, as well as by the policy towards national minorities in both states and developments in the Free City of Danzig.
As the author has based his analysis of Polish-German relations mainly on documents and to a lesser extent on literature concerning this subject, his conclusions are often different from previous assertions.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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