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Monographs and collective works

Być Polakiem w Niemczech

Być Polakiem w Niemczech

praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Anny Wolff-Powęskiej i Eberharda Schulza
Być Polakiem w Niemczech
(To be a Pole in Germany)
ISBN 83-87668-OS-3
560 pages, annex, includes a summary in German Poznań 2000
cena: 39 zł,  zamawiam

"This work is the result of a Polish -German research project. A joint study of this question leads to a more objective evaluation, free of both Polish and German bras. This so, since each migration possesses above all a deeply human dimension. It creates problems whose solution requires joint action, unencumbered by nationalistic tendencies (...) If the present volume serves as a modest inspiration to further -eminently indispensable research- then it will have attained its basic goal. Besides a presentation of the research results, this work includes certain proposals for a reasonable co-habitation of Germans and Poles, it provides practical suggestions applicable to the different administrative levels and to the political decision-making process. As this is a Polish-­German project, the work appeared in both languages." (The above is an excerpt of the introduction by Anna Wolff -Poweska and Eberhard Schulz). The German language edition was published by Droste Verlag.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640