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IZ Policy Papers nr 42 - Asymmetry of compensation granted to Polish citizens for the damage suffered in the Second World War relative to compensation paid to citizens of other countries

IZ Policy Papers nr 42 - Magdalena Bainczyk - Asymmetry of compensation granted to Polish citizens for the damage suffered in the Second World War relative to compensation paid to citizens of other countries

In 2019, “Przegląd Zachodni”, no. 1 (p. 83-104), published an article “Asymetria odszkodowań dla obywateli Polski za szkody poniesione w II wojnie światowej w stosunku do odszkodowań wpłaconych obywatelom innych państw”. This article has been translated into English and revised; both texts come out In the current IZ Policy Papers. 3 years later, neither the topic of the article nor the positions put forth in the text have become outdated, as they primarily compare the policy of Germany towards West -European countries, Israel and Poland between 1952 and 2000 in terms of compensating the citizens of these countries for losses resulting from crimes committed by functionaries of the Third Reich.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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