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No. 72 - 'Right-wing radicalism in the FRG'

"Institute for Western Affairs' Bulletin" (No. 72/2011) encloses prof. Maria Tomczak's article - Right-wing radicalism in the FRG

In November 2011, an extremely radical three-person group, previously unknown to the police, was exposed. Their members confesses to the murder of ten people, including nine foreigners (8 Turks and a Greek), in the years 2000 - 2006. The whole Federal Republic of Germany was shaken. A discussion arose when it turned out that the assassinations committed by the Neo-Nazis had been previously attributed by the police to the Turkish mafia or gangster wars between foreigners. The questions were: What is the true dimension of the right-wing radicalism in the FRG? How could the investigation have been so incompetently conducted? Was it the people who failed or the security system? Is the whole issue related to the social frustration within the area of the former GDR?

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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