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In the monography under the titel "QUO VADIS EUROPEAN UNION OF 27?" (SGH Publishing House 2022) the article by IZ chief analyst Magdalena Bainczyk, Uni.-Prof.. has been published

106IX22The EU between internalWandelmontazremoved-1

In the monography under the titel "QUO VADIS EUROPEAN UNION OF 27?The EU between internal tensions, COVID-crisis and external challenges – Polish and German perspectives (SGH Publishing House 2022) the article by IZ chief analyst Magdalena Bainczyk, Uni.-Prof.. has been published. The article is devoted to the German constitutional law in EU context -JUDGMENTS OF THE GERMAN FCC IN THE PSAPP CASE AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES FOR THE CONSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT OF THE EU RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE FACILITY

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
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