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The twentieth anniversary of ‘Welttrends. Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik’ magazine.

The twentieth anniversary of the bi-monthly ‘Welttrends. Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik’ took place at the University of Potsdam on 10 October 2012. The magazine is co-edited and co-founded by The Institute for Western Affairs in Poznań. 
So far, there were 87 editions of the renowned Polish-German political science journal. Prof. Andrzej Sakson from The Institute for Western Affairs drew attention to the unique character of the journal in his anniversary speech. The ceremony was accompanied by an international conference ‘Hegemony und Multipolarität. Weltordnung im 21. Jahrhundert’. The conference was attended by scientists from the USA, Russia, China, Brazil, India, UK, Polish, Czech, Greece and Germany.

An article about the anniversary of ‘Welttrends’ – ‘Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung’ is available here.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640