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Przegląd Zachodni

Guide for authors

Themes of ˮPrzegląd Zachodniˮ (ˮWestern Reviewˮ) in 2023

The editors of the quarterly ˮPrzegląd Zachodni” (ˮWestern Review”) invite you to submit articles, materials, critiques and commentaries, book reviews and reports intended for publication in 2023. Suggestions and proposals of topics for future issues of the journal are also welcome.

Please note the guidelines for authors when preparing texts for submission for publication:

“Western Review” No 1/2023

Russia in the politics of Western countries

               The European and world powers displayed varied responses to the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Such diverse reactions were determined not only by geopolitical, strategic and economic considerations, but also by the historical experience of particular countries. From the time of the reign of Peter I when Russia became a major European power, its ambitions collided with the aspirations of other powers with which it either competed or entered into alliances. No doubt, history plays a special role in Putin's Russia. Its leader often refers to the past, wishing to use "historical" arguments to justify his policy. This was also the case with the attack on Ukraine.

               Although historical reasons are less obvious in the speeches of the leaders of the United States, China, Japan, Germany and Turkey, it does not mean that they do not recognize their significance. In this volume, we will seek to answer the following question: What is the historical experience of modern states in their relations with Russia and to what extent does it affect their position on the Russo-Ukrainian war?

Submission deadline: end of January 2023


“Western Review” No 2/2023 Europe in the third decade of the 21st century: the time of a breakthrough?               The political, economic and social turmoil that European countries have struggled with in recent years is perceived by many analysts as difficult to resolve or even insolvable. Many experts fear that what we actually face are crises with a destabilizing effect at the national and regional levels. The endeavors of European countries to grapple with fiscal and energy problems as well as challenges to security are observed throughout the region and have far-reaching consequences: a price shock on the energy market, rising production costs, a slump in the service and export sectors, security threats due to constant migration pressure and an international armed conflict at the borders of the European Union, and threats voiced in the Russian Federation.               On the other hand, any dangerous moment and period of difficulties or even chaos carries a chance for a breakthrough and offers an opportunity to take constructive action. Will European countries manage to overcome their setbacks? Will we see a renewal of their ability to work together to solve problems? What will be the political, economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine? Will Europe emerge stronger from the crises? What are the opportunities for the European community in the long-term perspective of the accession of other countries to the EU? We address these questions to economists, political scientists, lawyers, sociologists and historians.

Submission deadline: end of April 2023

“Western Review” No 3/2023 Germany in the eyes of the world and its internal transformations               What are the problems that Germany is facing at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century and in the middle of the term of the SPD / Greens / FDP coalition government? How is Germany solving these problems, especially at the federal level? What are the most important issues for the society and the government, and how do they respond to current events: the economic situation and the labor market, inflation, social inequalities, health, freedom, integration of foreigners, investments in IT, ecology, security and the international situation? A failure of the fundamental assumptions of Germany’s Eastern policy raises the question of a new shape of these relations both in Germany and in the EU. How is German industry affected by the war in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia? What are the ongoing changes in the scope of state intervention in Germany’s economy?               How are these activities assessed and viewed by other countries? Are the German solutions to the above mentioned problems a manifestation of selfishness in the eyes of external observers? Germany's foreign economic and political relations at both bi- and multilateral levels are also attracting attention. Another relevant problem is Germany's changing political and military responsibility on the international arena, the EU included. How are these transformations portrayed in the cultural life and intellectual reflection in Germany?

Submission deadline: end of July 2023


“Western Review” No 4/2023

Religions - Churches - Worldview               Difficult and dramatic experiences with which Europe has been struggling in recent years have redirected attention to the spiritual dimension of human existence, while the integration of migrants and assistance to war victims are obvious spheres of activity of religious institutions and organizations. On the other hand, the declining religiosity of the citizens of the Old Continent, the consequences of scandals and the breakdown of the authority of the Churches induce them to renew their self-awareness and seek new forms of carrying out their missions.               The religious map of Europe has been changing dynamically for many decades: Germany has experienced it after reunification, and now we are witnessing similar processes also in Poland, with the arrival of large numbers of Greek Catholics, Orthodox and non-believers from Ukraine.               The discussions on the spirit of Europe which took place a quarter of a century ago await practical implementation. Will those seeking spiritual support find it in Christianity or will they turn to other religions and movements? Are the churches ready to tackle today’s challenges? How do they relate to the attitudes of today's believers, as well as those "on the fringes" or non-believers? Is another ecumenical council necessary, or is it enough to take advantage of the wealth of Vatican II? Where will the synodal path lead the Catholics in Germany? How will secularization change the organization and mission of the Churches in the countries of the East and West? How do particular countries regulate the relations between Churches and religions and state institutions? Is solidarity the new name of charity, and freedom and peace the contemporary meeting stages between post-Christian Europe and the Church of Pope Francis?

Submission deadline: end of October 2023


Themes of ˮPrzegląd Zachodniˮ (ˮWestern Reviewˮ) in 2022

The editors of the quarterly ˮPrzegląd Zachodni” (ˮWestern Review”) invite you to submit articles, materials, critiques and commentaries, book reviews and reports intended for publication in 2022. Suggestions and proposals of topics for future issues of the journal are also welcome.

Please note the guidelines for authors when preparing texts for submission for publication:

No 1/2022 Alpine republics. Austria and other German speaking countries

The German-speaking countries of southern Europe, despite their rather secondary part in the politics, economy and social life of the continent, should not escape the attention of political scientists, economists, historians, as well as cultural and social researchers. Shaped by the legacy of a multinational empire and tensions resulting from its location at the junction of opposing political blocs, Austria plays a specific role among the countries of Europe today. International dialogue, culture, migration, ecology and energy are areas in which the potential of the Danube Republic is greater than its territory or demography would indicate. Similar considerations draw attention to Switzerland, which deploys its well-established economic or cultural assets even without membership in the European Union. The Swiss Embassy in Warsaw, which has existed for a century, testifies to grass-roots work in bilateral relations, built in diverse political realities. Connected by Europe's highest mountains, the German-speaking countries are also an inspiring subject of study in terms of their internal social, national, ethnic and even linguistic relations. The complexity of history, cultural richness, migration, multilingualism, confessional issues, sometimes unique political solutions, the durability of regional differences or local patriotism accompany the everyday life of Tyroleans, the descendants of Helvetians and the residents of Trentino-Alto Adige.

Submission deadline: end of January 2022


No 2/2022 Extremism, radicalism, terrorism. Democracy and international disorder

Economic and social unrest, as well as major geopolitical changes, have contributed to the rise of political extremism in various forms around the world. Radicals on the right and left of the political scene are intensifying their activities, deftly using new forms of communication, e.g. social media, whereas acts of terror are not only the domain of Islamic fundamentalists. An opportunity to take up the topic is the 20th anniversary of al-Qaeda's attacks on the United States or the upcoming 50th anniversary of the attack during the Olympic Games in Munich. The possibility of a revival of terrorist activity and religious fanaticism triggers the withdrawal of allied troops from Afghanistan in 2021, and the long-winded trial of the German right-wing terrorist unit NSU, which was uncovered 10 years ago, raises questions about the resilience of modern democracies to attacks on social and political structures. How did extreme organizations function in the past, and how do they operate today? What forms of political radicalism are we faced with? What is modern terrorism and how to prevent it? How have terrorist organizations changed over the years? This topic can be treated in much broader terms to include questions about the condition of modern democracy. Do the successful attacks of extremists in Germany testify to the failure of the German system of protection of democracy? How do democracies deal with radicalism, extremism and terrorism? What resources did they have in the past and what funding can they rely on they today? When defending democracy, is it possible to resort to undemocratic measures? Is political pluralism supposed to mean the coexistence of democratic and undemocratic political forces? We invite international security researchers, lawyers, historians and political scientists to take up these topics.

Submission deadline: end of April 2022


No 3/2022 Germany – evolution versus permanence. Society – diplomacy – international relations

The 2021 Bundestag elections brought the era of Angela Merkel's rule to a close and highlighted the evolution of electoral preferences. German citizens value health and social security issues, perceive the problems of social inequalities, the state of the economy and the environment, the education system, track the impact of migration and other changes on social life, but at the same time they are aware of the technological challenges of the twenty-first century (fax or digitalization?), energy and the “Green Deal”. The election year in the shadow of the pandemic and the retirement of "Empress" Merkel is a turning point that allows us to sum up the past 16 years of German international politics and encourages attempts to outline the role of Germany and the position of the new ruling coalition in the face of the dynamic global situation. It is also an invitation to study the history of German diplomacy of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, shaped by the experience of division into two states, the process of unification, and the pursuit of an international position corresponding to the potential of contemporary Germany. In this context, undoubtedly worth recalling is the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of Poland and Germany half a century ago. Studies analyzing Germany's external relations (political and economic relations included) with countries on the sidelines of world attention will be appreciated; after all, peripheries impact global balance. Where is Germany on the cultural map of the world, what added value does it bring? Whether, and if so, to what extent does Germany remain entangled in history; are we dealing with an oblivion that Germany has often and easily been accused of, or rather with a new/different society? We invite authors for whom Germany and its history, the interweaving of the past, present and future time is the subject of scientific investigation in the historical and contemporary context.

Submission deadline: end of July 2022


No 4/2022 How has COVID-19 changed Europe? Societies – economy – politics – law – climate – digitalization

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all spheres of human activity. In the new circumstances created by it, the transformations that have either been accelerated or petrified range from the use of digital technologies, through the economic situation of individual sectors of the economy, crisis management, organization of work to new forms of communication in culture or even a reassessment of one’s worldview and religiosity. Extraordinary circumstances have highlighted many phenomena and enhanced the ongoing processes, forcing us to change attitudes or reflect on previously overlooked issues. By recording these circumstances, is it already possible to indicate the tendencies of social changes and their translation into politics? Has the lockdown stopped the economy, or will it help it adapt to new conditions? How is the pandemic affecting globalization? The coronavirus was also a test for European integration - will Europeans after the pandemic be more solidary and open, or on the contrary – will selfishness and particularism prevail? How do voters change their preferences? Do politicians instrumentalize threats to the realization of particular interests? How have the crisis conditions modified particular countries’ relations with the regions? In the longer term, we note a return to fundamental questions concerning among others human dignity and rights, individual freedom and collective freedoms, the functioning of the state, the power of the social contract, the importance of the common good or solidarity. Will concepts that previously seemed mere abstractions and today are decisive for people’s everyday life, shape a more mature human and civic awareness? Will fake news prevail over the arguments of science? Which changes will prove to be permanent and how should they be evaluated? Authors engaged in interdisciplinary studies are invited to share their diagnoses, questions and predictions as to the directions of changes in "post-Covid" Europe.

Submission deadline: end of October 2022



  1. The quarterly publishes scholarly articles and materials (such as reports and reviews) on the general topic of Polish-German relations, German history, contemporary German affairs, European integration, transformations in Europe, including Poland, regional and local affairs (with a focus on the Wielkopolska region and the city of Poznań) and selected global issues.
  2. The journal is interdisciplinary, with each individual issue dedicated to a prescribed theme. Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis.
  3. Authors are requested to submit their texts electronically to the editorial board.
  4. Each submission shall be reviewed.
  5. Authors of works selected for publication shall transfer their copyrights to the publisher and sign a declaration.
  6. The editorial office reserves the right to correct, abridge, modify and/or amend submissions, subject to authors’ consent.
  7. In addition to the main body of text and footnotes / endnotes, submissions shall include:
    • 5 to 6 keywords in Polish and English,
    • article title in Polish, English and German.
    • A Polish- and English-language abstract, each ca. 0.5 pages long. We have English-language abstracts proofread. An abstract should include:
      - purpose of the article,
      - specific research problem with clearly-stated theses,
      - the research methods applied,
      - conclusions/summary,
      - literature (in alphabetical order, arranged by author/editor name),
      - the author’s degree, affiliation, ORCID ID, e-mail address,
  8. Formatting requirements:
    • file format: *.doc, *.docx, font: Times New Roman, font size: 12, font size in footnotes: 10,
    • line spacing: 1.5 margins: top and bottom: 25 mm, left: 25 mm, right: 25 member
    • minimal text formatting: paragraph indents, center alignment,
    • journal names in italics,
    • quotations in quotation marks (instead of italics).
  9. Charts, tables and diagrams to be rendered in shades of gray. Either provide their sources or note they have been made by the author.
  10. The suggested approximate article size is 1 “publishing sheet”.

Notes and bibliography:

Since issue 1/2020, Przegląd Zachodni has been applying the Harvard referencing style.

  1. In-text references in round brackets contain the author’s surname and a short name of publication by multiple authors, date of publication and page number(s), e.g. (Wojciechowski 2009: 128), (Współczesne tendencje 1997: 342).
  2. If referencing multiple works from one author released in the same year, the works are allocated a small-case letter after the year, e.g. (Wojciechowski 2011a: 67) and (Wojciechowski 2011b: 254).
  3. Multiple works are arranged in alphabetical order first and chronological order second, e.g. (Alberski 1989: 45; Batecki 2002: 45; Batecki 1999: 218).
  4. Multiple references to the same publication that are not separated by other notes should be referenced with the word “Ibid” followed exclusively by page number.
  5. When referencing a work by multiple authors, give the names of the first three authors followed by “et al” (and others), e.g. (Kasecki, Laskowska, Sadzik et al, 2016: 342).
  6. Footnotes that complement or digress from the main body of text should be numbered in text in superscript.
  7. Bibliography forms an integral part of in-text citations. Bibliographic entries are noted as follows:
    Mazur Zbigniew, 2002, Antenaci. O politycznym rodowodzie Instytutu Zachodniego, Poznań

    For works by multiple authors:

    Budnikowski Tomasz (ed.), 2011, Gospodarka niemiecka 20 lat po zjednoczeniu, Poznań

    For articles in works by multiple authors or journals:

    Misala Józef, 2011, “Rozwój wymiany zagranicznej i międzynarodowej konkurencyjności gospodarki Niemiec”, in: Budnikowski Tomasz (ed.), Gospodarka niemiecka 20 lat po zjednoczeniu, Poznań 2011

    Kosman Marceli, “Polska granica zachodnia. Siedem dekad badań Gerarda Labudy”, in: Przegląd Zachodni 2011 no. 2: 137-155

    Website content:

    Kalka Piotr (2008), “Czy Polska przystąpi w 2011 r. do unii walutowo-gospodarczej?”, Biuletyn Instytutu Zachodniego no. 4/2008,pobierz,723,6e0fa0a20c423a474ba48bd1d64764ce/61-Biuletyn%20IZ%20nr%204.%20Euro%20w%20Polsce%20w%202011r.1.pdf (accessed 23 August 2019)
  8. When citing a journal article in bibliography, provide its DOI when possible.


Reviewing guidelines:

  1. 1Under the adopted regime (known as the double-blind review process), neither the author(s) nor the reviewers will know their mutual identities.
  2. Submissions to Przegląd Zachodni will be reviewed by at least two independent third-party reviewers who have no conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest are defined as a direct personal relationship (blood relationship, kinship, legal association, conflicts) between the reviewer and the author, a professional reporting relationship between the reviewer and the author, or direct academic collaboration between the reviewer and the author within two years prior to the writing of the review.
  3. Reviews shall be made in writing and indicate clearly whether an article should be accepted for publication, accepted for publication subject to required modifications, or rejected for publication. Download review form.
  4. Reviewers shall keep in confidence the text provided to them for evaluation. Reviewers may not use the data and statements contained therein for their own research until the article has been published.
  5. The primary duty of a reviewer is to evaluate the text objectively. Personal criticism is inappropriate. Any comments, assessments and suggestions should be stated clearly and reasoned.
  6. Before a submission can be published, it must be evaluated for scientific originality, consistency with the journal’s thematic profile, the way research objectives have been achieved, clarity of presentation of research problem, proper use of relevant literature, and proper argumentation to support its claims and conclusions.
  7. The reviewer shall inform the editorial board about any suspected case of plagiarism or self-plagiarism by the person submitting the text for publication, indicating which passage(s) of the text raise concerns.
  8. The journal annually posts a list of its cooperating reviewers on its website.


Rules of communication

  1. The editors will communicate with authors and reviewers by e-mail, telephone, and conventional mail.
  2. Information about the subject matter and publication schedule of successive issues of the journal during a given calendar year shall be posted on the publisher's website in the fourth quarter of the preceding year.
  3. Submissions for publication shall be accepted electronically in the MS Word file format. The editorial office shall acknowledge its receipt of such submissions.
  4. Following a preliminary assessment by the editorial board, submissions shall be forwarded to third-party reviewers. Once their evaluations have been received, the editorial board shall notify the authors that their texts have been referred for publication as submitted, need to be modified accordingly to the remarks of the editorial board and the reviewers or have been rejected.
  5. The author is not expected to respond to a review. The editorial board shall not be involved in communication between the author and the reviewer prior to publication.
  6. The time of publication of a positively assessed and approved submission depends on the relevance of its subject matter with the themes of individual issues of the journal as agreed for a given calendar year. The decision to publish a text and include it in a specific journal issue shall be made by the editorial staff.
  7. The authors shall receive their submission for correction. The deadline for completing such correction shall be 10 days. If the deadline is not met, the editorial board may publish the text uncorrected.


Rules of integrity for publishing research findings and preventing their breaches

Integrity is a cornerstone of quality in science. Readers must be assured that authors of publications present their work in a transparent, reliable and honest manner and use the latest available literature and legally obtained data. To demonstrate their integrity and compliance with the highest editorial standards, researchers are requested to name all contributors involved in creating their publication (i.e. any party that has made substantive contributions, contributions in kind, contributions in money, etc.). Such disclosure is not only a good practice but also an expression of social responsibility.

To prevent dishonesty, ghostwriting (a case where the author or a person making a substantial contribution to a publication is not named or credited) and guest (honorary) authorship (a case where a person whose contribution is minimal or non-existent is nevertheless credited as a co-author of a publication), the editorial office of Przegląd Zachodni will do the following:

  1. The editorial office requires that multiple publication authors name the contributions of each author to the publication (stating their affiliations and outlining their contributions, i.e. giving credit for having specifically authored the concept, precepts, methods, protocols, etc., as used in preparing the publication), with the main responsibility for such disclosure resting on the authors who make the manuscript submission.
  2. The author of a material qualified for publication shall submit a written declaration regarding copyrights, originality, absence of legal defects therein and non-infringement of any third-party rights. Where the publication is written by multiple authors, each of them shall be required to submit such a declaration.
  3. Any detected cases of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, ghostwriting and guest authorship shall be deemed a manifestation of scientific misconduct, and disclosed, including the notification of concerned parties (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific publishers, etc.).
  4. The submission of the same text for publication to multiple publishers, research finding falsification and manipulation, making false claims, failing to name authors of cited statements, data and quotations shall be deemed unethical and unacceptable.
  5. The editorial office expects to be notified on how a publication has been funded and on the contributions made by research institutions, associations and other organizations.

In pursuance with the Communication of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of July 31, 2019, Przegląd Zachodni is listed as a scientific journal and allotted 40 points.


the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640