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No 91 - 'Plan for the cooperation with the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad in 2013. Elaboration'

Institute for Western Affairs' Bulletin (No. 91/2012): dr Michał Nowosielski - 'Plan for the cooperation with the Polish diaspora  and Poles abroad in 2013. Elaboration.'

In September 2012, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented for consultation the outline of the plan for the cooperation with the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad in 2013. The Ministry tried to formulate the Polish diaspora policy for 2012 in a similar way, but because it was presented too late, it was not possible to have a serious discussion concerning its stipulations and take into consideration the major reservations. What makes the cooperation plan unique is the fact that it outlines the most important rules and areas of the actions to be undertaken in order to implement the Polish diaspora policy and subject them to public discussion. This is even more important because the framework for a new Polish diaspora policy is beginning to form right now and - as it may seem – it will be very different from the actions undertaken so far. The cooperation plan is not only a document created  ad acta. It is supposed to serve as a guideline for the government administration implementing the individual actions within the Polish diaspora policy, but also for the institutions and organizations operating in Poland and abroad. It will serve as a basis for the allocation of funds for the “Cooperation with the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad” contest managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

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