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'FORESIGHT - the tool for the future?'

The nationwide conference ‘Foresight - Tool for the Future? ' was held on the 13th of September, 2012, in Concordia Design Conference Centre in Poznań. The Conference was organized by Institute for Western Affairs in Poznań and Greater Poland Union of the Private Employers.

The Conference was the opportunity to gather over 250 people from different organizations: the presidents, the professors, the employees of the scientific and technological parks, the entrepreneurs, the CEOs and the directors.

Six panel discussions took place during the conference day. Discussion was dedicated specific thematic areas: education, culture, ecology, agriculture, society, technology, international relations. The speakers and the participants debated about the future of the listed domains during moderated discussions. The second part of The Conference was dedicated to exchange experiences between science and business.

The Conference was organized under the honorary patronage of:

- Ministry of Economy,

- Marshal of Greater Poland - Mr Marek Woźniak,

- Mayor of Poznań - Mr Ryszard Grobelny.

The Conference was organized under  the media patronage of:

- Science & Scholarship in Poland

- Think Tank Magazine

- ‘Radio Mercury' Radio Station

- Environment and Technology Magazine

- Social Policy Journal

- Culture and Education Journal

The Conference was part of "Foresight - a tool to support the transfer of knowledge between science and industry" - the European Funded Project.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640