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Expert conference in Bratislava: "Weimar Triangle and Visegrád Group: What contribution to the future of the EU?"


On 26th October 2017, the Genshagen Foundation organized a conference in Bratislava devoted to the two cooperation formats within the European Union. The aim of the project – supported by the International Visegrad Fund – is to stimulate the exchange on the future of the European Union between expert communities in the Visegrad Countries and in France and Germany. In cooperation with several project partners the Genshagen Foundation intends to bring together experts from those six countries in order to compare the functioning of the Weimar Triangle and the Visegrad Group. The joint reflection on different mechanisms of compromise building within the two formats shall increase the level of understanding of diverging perspectives and strengthen joint responsibility for the European Union.

Institute for Western Affairs was one of the partners of the conference and was represented by Director Justyna Schulz.

the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznan

ul. Mostowa 27 A
61-854 Poznań
NIP: 783-17-38-640